Pharmaceutical (Pharma) industry is a set of public and private organizations that discover, develop, and manufacture drugs and medications (pharmaceuticals). The 19th century is the beginning of the modern era of the pharmaceutical industry, because then it started focusing on chemical synthesis. Prior to that, for thousands of years people relied on medicinal properties of plants, animals, and minerals. The 20th century marks the unification of chemistry and physiology, which increased the understanding of basic drug-discovery processes. Today the pharmaceutical industry discovers myriad of drugs to prevent and treat even most complicated illnesses, while facing challenges of attaining regulatory approvals, confidentiality and pressure from patients.

The VitSky invests more of its top line earnings into R&D than any other industry – roughly 15%. However VitSky is still known as slow adopter of innovation. The reason is, that pharmaceutical industry is overly regulated, in order to ensure that medications are safe to consume. Furthermore, most of VitSky have extremely strict internal policies, which restrict them from sharing the data with the others. It slows down the processes dramatically.